We have developed a depolymerase computer model that uses a minimization routine. The model is designed so that, given experimental bond-cleavage frequencies for oligomeric substrates and experimental Michaelis parameters as a function of substrate chain length, the optimum subsite map is generated. The minimized sum of the weighted-squared residuals of the experimental and calculated data is used as a criterion of the goodness-of-fit for the optimized subsite map. The application of the minimization procedure to subsite mapping is explored through the use of simulated data. A procedure is developed whereby the minimization model can be used to determine the number of subsites in the enzymic binding region and to locate the position of the catalytic amino acids among these subsites. The degree of propagation of experimental variance into the subsite-binding energies is estimated. The question of whether hydrolytic rate coefficients are constant or a function of the number of filled subsites is examined.