KaonB-parameter from quenched domain-wall QCD

We present numerical results for the kaon B-parameter, BK, determined in the quenched approximation of lattice QCD. Our simulations are performed using domain-wall fermions and the renormalization group improved, DBW2 gauge action which combine to give quarks with good chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing. Operators are renormalized nonperturbatively using the RI/MOM scheme. We study scaling by performing the simulation on two different lattices with a1=1.982(30) and 2.914(54) GeV. We combine this quenched scaling study with an earlier calculation of BK using two flavors of dynamical, domain-wall quarks at a single lattice spacing to obtain BKMS¯NDR(μ=2GeV)=0.563(21)(39)(30), were the first error is statistical, the second systematic (without quenching errors) and the third estimates the error due to quenching.

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