Behaviour of Chimassorb 81 in the recycling process of agricultural films used as soil covers

Two different films, low density polyethylene (LDPE) and an ethylene‐viny1 acetate copolymer (EVA), used as agricultural soil covers were studied. The films were recycled five and ten times respectively, and both the tensile strength and the content of Chimassorb 81, a UV‐stabilizer, were analysed in each cycle. Losses of 17.44% in tensile strength and 23.69% (Thermic film) and 13.22% (EVA) in the concentration of Chimassorb 81 were found after five recycling cycles. The extraction of Chimassorb 81 from the film is optimized. As these films can be recycled for the same application or even for use as food‐contact materials, the standard migration tests with established simulants have been carried out. The results obtained are discussed.