Heme Synthesis in the Soluble Preparation from Avian Erythrocytes*

An active preparation was obtained from the hemolysates of chicken or duck erythrocytes by repeated isotonic KC1 washing ofof the precipitate using centrifuging procedures. The suspension of particulates in [image]/15 phosphate buffer added with KC1 for isotonicity and 0.5% cholate catalyzed the heme synthesis from Fe and proto-porphyrin, porphobilinogen or delta-aminolevulinic acid. The optimum pH was 7.0-7.4. The synthetic activity was accelerated by cysteine or glutathione, and was inhibited by Pb2+, Ag, Cu2+, ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and chicken serum, but not by 2,4-dinitrophenol, malonate or cyanide.