Typical and Atypical CT Manifestations of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis

Chest CT of 36 patients with proven sarcoidosis were reviewed retrospectively. In all cases CT was obtained in an attempt to answer a diagnostic dilemma, either a patient with abnormal chest radiography and no clinical diagnosis or a patient with a history of known sarcoidosis and an atypical presentation on chest radiography. Computed tomography was superior to chest radiography in detecting and defining the presence of adenopathy. In addition, CT was more accurate in detecting the presence and extent of infiltrates. Secondary findings in sarcoidosis including pleural effusions, bullous disease, bronchiectasis, cavitation with and without mycetoma, and fibrosing mediastinitis were detected using CT. Using the information obtained from CT, we were able to arrive at the correct diagnosis in the majority of cases and to decide which modality would be most useful to secure tissue confirmation (bronchoscopy, transtracheal biopsy, or percutaneous needle biopy of a solitary mass).