SUMMARY. 1. Differential use of food resources by instars I‐1V of Chaoborus punctipennis was examined in a mesotrophic New Hampshire lake during midsummer when all instars coexisted. Diet composition and prey preference were quantified first, at night when all instars were feeding at the same depth, and second, during the day when the early instars (I‐II) and instar III were segregated by depth. Relative abundance, per cent biomass, and per cent frequency of occurrence of soft and hard‐bodied rotifers, flagellated phytoplankton, protozoans, and crustaceans in C. punctipennis diets were quantified using crop content analyses.2. All four instars ingested large, flagellated phytoplankton (mainly Dinobryon and Ceratium). This unexpected result suggests that the effects of phytoplankton on Chaoborus growth and survival should be investigated. All instars also consumed rotifers (mainly Kellicottia, Gastropus, Polyarthra), but only instars III and IV fed upon crustaceans (mainly Daphnia, Bosmina and Diaphanosoma). Small rotifers (Gastropus spp., Keratella cochlearis, Trichocerca similis) occurred more frequently and were more abundant in early instar diets than late instar (III and IV) diets, whereas large rotifers (Asplanchna priodonta and Keratella crassa) were eaten only by instars III and IV. Zooplankton with gelatinous sheaths (e.g. Ascomorpha, Collotheca and Holopedium) were rarely ingested.3. Developmental increase in gape diameter of C. punctipennis seemed to be the major proximate mechanism causing dietary differences among instars. Body widths of hard‐bodied prey in C. punctipennis crops were always less than gape diameter. The relationship between prey body width and Chaoborus gape diameter, coupled with knowledge of prey escape behaviour, should be useful for predicting the presence of hard‐bodied prey taxa in diets of other Chaoborus species.4. All four instars of C. punctipennis selected soft‐bodied, or weakly loricate, rotifer prey over crustaceans and phytoplankton. Early instars preferred the small rotifer T. similis and the protozoan Difflugia sp. to other rotifers and phytoplankton when feeding in the epilimnion or thermocline during the day or night. Late instars positively selected the rotifer, Asplanchna. Prey value (prey weight ingested per unit handling