Prognosis of salivary adenocarcinomas

52 salivary adenocarcinomas of the years 1965–1980 from the files of the Salivary Gland Registry, Institute of Pathology, University of Hamburg, were evaluated retrospectively with regard to clinical follow up and cytochemically assessed nuclear DNA content. The age distribution showed a peak from the 6th to 8th decade (range 3 to 87 years). The m∶f ratio was 1∶1.36, the mean age was 59.3 years. Over 80% of the tumours were located in the major salivary glands. The clinical course was characterized by metastases present at initial diagnosis (16 cases), subsequent development of metastases (9 cases), local recurrence (15 cases) or death from tumour (10 cases) and was related to differentiation, grade 3 tumours showing the worse clinical courses. In 37 cases, nuclear DNA content was determined by a single scanning cytophotometry device. 28 cases were diploid, 9 were atypical. The clinical course was significantly related to the histogram type, atypical tumours showing a dismal prognosis.