Enhanced oxygen uptake and lactate production of smooth muscle cell proliferates of rabbit carotid arteries

In rabbit carotid arteries intimal smooth muscle cell proliferations were induced by repeated local electrical stimulation of the artery wall. Oxygen uptake and lactate production of the proliferating tissue were determined in vitro and compared with the results obtained from nonstimulated arterial wall segments. Under the incubation conditions employed, oxygen consumption and lactate production of the proliferating tissue were 91.3 and 62.5 nmol·min−1·mg−1DNA, compared with the control values of 70.8 and 41.6 nmol·min−1·mg−1DNA. The DNA content of the proliferates and normal arterial wall tissue amounted to 9.6 and 12.0 μg DNA·mg−1 dry weight. The results show that in proliferates obtained with the described procedure there is an increased capacity for ATP regenerating systems, respiration and glycolysis, indicating a modified function of the proliferating smooth muscle cells.