An open, prospective study was performed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of sodium chloride loading for prevention of amphotericin-B-induced nephrotoxicity in 37 patients requiring 44 courses of amphotericin B treatment. The median duration of the treatment course was 22 days (range, 9–136 days), and mean cumulative dose per patient was 1117 mg (range, 231–7831 mg). During amphotericin B treatment, all patients received 50 to 100 ml of 10% sodium chloride (85 to 171 mmol NaCl) via an intravenous line for prevention of amphotericin-B-induced nephrotoxicity evaluated by serum creatinine levels. Using this regimen, none of the patients developed significant nephrotoxicity (increase in serum creatinine of more than twice baseline level, or serum creatinine level ≥2.0 mg/dl, respectively) despite the co-administration of other potentially nephrotoxic drugs. It was not necessary to discontinue treatment with amphotericin B in any of the patients. There were no side effects due to sodium chloride loading. Our results demonstrate that sodium chloride loading is useful for the prevention of amphotericin-B-induced nephrotoxicity.