Unsupported MoS2 and WS2 Model Catalysts: Influence of Textural Properties on Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation Activities

Unsupported MoS2 (WS2) were prepared by decomposition of ammonium thio‐salts, under a flow of H2 + 15 % H2S at 673 K.Samples with surface area ranging from 5 to 80 m2g−1 were tested in hydro‐desulfurization of dibenzothiophene and hydrogenation of biphenyl, at moderate temperature (523 ‐ 573 K) and medium high pressure (pT = 22.5 105Pa) conditions.The activity, measured at the pseudo steady state, expressed in mole g−1 sec−1 was found directly proportional to the surface area of the tested catalysts, for both reactions and both types of catalysts.Therefore the preceding reactions appear as “texture insensitive” for both WS2 and MoS2 catalysts.