The action of p-sulfonamidobenzamidine against exptl. typhus in mice led to a study of some 20 related compds. Of these, only p-sulfonamidobenzamidoxime-HCl was comparably active. These were tested in typhus infection in man without encouraging results. The synthesis of 172 substances, incl. intermediates, is reported, leading to amidines not contg. S; amidoximes not contg. S; amidines contg. the groups[long dash]SO2NH2,[long dash]SO2NHR,[long dash]SO2NRR'' and[long dash]SO2C=; sulfonamidobenzamidines subs. in amidine group; amidines and amidoximes of double sulfonamides; amidines contg. sulfonic or sulfinic groups; aliphatic sulfonamide-amidines; amidoximes contg. the groups[long dash]SO2NH2,[long dash]SO2NHR,[long dash]SO2NRR'' and[long dash]SO2C=; sulfonamidobenzamidoximes substituted in the amidoxime group; amidoximes contg. sulfonic or sulfinic groups; N4-dimethylsulfanilamide, and its iodide; p-sulfonamidobenzyltrimethylammoniuin chloride, p-sulforiamidophenylguanidine-HCl, NN''-di-p-cyano-benzenesulfonylguanidine, and p-sulfonamidobenzhydroxamic acid.

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