Quantitative estimation of ascorbic acid and related substances in biological extracts by separation on a paper chromatogram

L-Ascorbic acid and related compounds were separated on a paper chromatogram using 2 new solvent mixtures, n-butanol saturated with water and oxalic acid, and phenol saturated with water and oxalic acid. The phenolic solvent will give a clear-cut separation of L-ascorbic acid from D-arabo-ascorbic acid. A quantitative procedure is descr. for estimation of enediols from plant and animal tissues. Enzymes are inactivated by saturating the extract with oxalic acid and the enediols are stabilized throughout subsequent operations by maintaining a high concn. of oxalic acid. The enediols are estimated after separation on a paper chromatogram by a colorimetric method using a soln. of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol in 0.25 [image] Na2HPO4. Recovery of L-ascorbic acid and D-arabo-ascorbic acid added to rat''s urine, and extracts of cress seedlings was 85% even at the lowest concn. examined (0.5 mg./ml. of urine or cress-seedling extract).