This program evaluation compared the knowledge, confidence, and skills of Indonesian village midwives who attended an intensive in-service training with midwives who received an internship program and midwives who attended no program. The five key skills compared were prevention of infection, use of the partograph, manual removal of placenta, bimanual uterine compression, and neonatal resuscitation. Midwives from the intensive in-service that combined competency-based skill training with peer review and continuing education scored higher on the knowledge test and demonstration of the five key skills and reported managing complications better than midwives who attended no training program. Midwives from the internship program scored intermediate between the intensively trained and the untrained midwives. Overall, skill scores were 71% for midwives in the intensive program, 62% for the interns, and 51% for midwives with no in-service training. Village midwives from the intensive program scored significantly higher in the practical demonstration of manual removal of placenta, bimanual compression, and neonatal resuscitation than the interns, but the scores on infection prevention and use of the partograph were not different between the two groups. Differences in the volume of training opportunities between the two programs could be responsible for the different outcomes.