Earthquake Ground Motion and Structural Response in Alluvial Valleys

This paper is concerned with the problem of soil amplification and structural damage due to local site conditions in sedimentary valleys during earthquakes. It focuses on a small valley in Kirovakan, for which 1D wave propagation analyses have failed to provide adequate answers for the large extent and spatial distribution of damage during the 1988 Armenia earthquake. A more realistic 2D finite-element analysis is performed herein in search of an explanation for the observed behavior. Using as input an inferred rock accelerogram, the response of the valley is calculated for a vertically incident SH-wave. Synthetic accelerograms of the surface ground motion are presented for different sites; these accelerograms are then used to determine the amplification ratios of the surface response with respect to that of the free-field motion of the rock outcrop, for different frequencies and for a continuous set of sites. In addition, response spectra are evaluated for simple oscillators representing structures located at various sites. Results of the 2D simulations show striking differences with respect to those from 1D analyses. In particular, (1) while the resonant frequencies exhibited by a 1D model for a given site also appear in the 2D model, the peak ground response and structural response are almost twice as large for the 2D as for the 1D model; (2) the 2D model exhibits, in addition, a new set of resonant frequencies and concomitant “mode shapes” across the valley, which are directly related to its finite width; and (3) due to these additional resonances the ground amplification ratio tends to oscillate very rapidly, both spatially and with frequency, leading to the observation that two identical structures located in the same vicinity or two slightly different structures located essentially on the same site can be subjected to significantly different seismic forces, even if the underlying soils have very similar characteristics. These results provide a meaningful explanation for the observed damage, and thus serve to exemplify a situation in which site effects caused by the finite lateral extent of a valley must be taken into consideration in order to model satisfactorily seismic behavior.