The beluga or white whale, Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas), was studied in Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island. Layering in teeth and mandibles plus body size were used to determine age. Sexual maturity is attained at 5 years for females and at 8 years for males, with potential life span estimated to be 30 years. Whitening of the skin begins after 6 years.Multiple ovulations and accessory corpora lutea are typical of beluga. The breeding season is in May, and after 14.5 months gestation single births occur in late July or early August. Lactation lasts about 2 years, resulting in a 3-year reproductive cycle. Tooth eruption begins late in the 2nd year with partial eruption by the 3rd. This population appears to have been overexploited by commercial hunting. Productivity estimates for this species are 43% of those implied in previous studies.

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