Essential fatty acid deficiency in adults receiving total parenteral nutrition

In seven adult patients receiving fat-free total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for 4 to 8 weeks, weekly determinations of plasma fatty acids and total plasma tocopherols were made. Four patients were deficient in essential fatty acids, as defined by triene:tetraene ratio >0.4, at the end of the second week of TPN. Six patients were deficient by the end of the third week and all seven were deficient by the end of the fifth week of TPN treatment. One patient who was deficient in both essential fatty acids and zinc developed a scaling, eczemoid dermatitis that disappeared within 3 weeks after cessation of TPN and resumption of oral feedings containing both fat and zinc. After resumption of oral feedings by three patients, the triene:tetraene ratio returned to normal within 2 weeks. The mean of total plasma tocopherols fell over a period of 7 weeks and in three individuals, reached levels generally associated with deficiency. There were not any obvious clinical manifestations of vitamin E deficiency.