Superheated Water Chromatography of Phenols Using Poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) Packings as a Stationary Phase

A method for the superheated water chromatography of phenols was developed using a poly(styrene-divinylbenzene) (PSDVB) stationary phase. The stationary phase of superheated water chromatography must be stable against the attack of water. A durability test for PSDVB packings and octadecylsilyl (ODS)-silica gels indicated that PSDVB packings were stable in superheated water in the temperature range of 100-150 degrees C, whereas octadecylsilyl groups of ODS-silica gels cleaved even at 100 degrees C. The retention of phenols on the PSDVB stationary phase decreased with an elevation of the column temperature. The retention mechanism was characterized using a thermodynamic theory that has been used for describing retention in conventional RP-HPLC. The application of the present method to an environmental analysis was also demonstrated, in which a suitable separation with good peak shape was obtained for p-chlorophenol in river-water samples.