Phytoplankton Pigment Algorithms for the Nimbus-7 CZCS
- 1 January 1981
- book chapter
- Published by Springer Nature
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 11 references indexed in Scilit:
- Remote sensing optical properties of a stratified ocean: an improved interpretationApplied Optics, 1980
- Phytoplankton Pigments from the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner: Comparisons with Surface MeasurementsScience, 1980
- Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner: System Description and Initial ImageryScience, 1980
- Atmospheric effects in the remote sensing of phytoplankton pigmentsBoundary-Layer Meteorology, 1980
- Upwelled spectral radiance distribution in relation to particulate matter in sea waterBoundary-Layer Meteorology, 1980
- Gulf of Mexico, ocean-color surface-truth measurementsBoundary-Layer Meteorology, 1980
- Coastal Zone Color Scanner RadiometryPublished by SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng ,1980
- In-water and remote measurements of ocean colorBoundary-Layer Meteorology, 1980
- Estimation of the Depth of Sunlight Penetration in the Sea for Remote SensingApplied Optics, 1975
- The effect of varying phytoplankton concentration on submarine light transmission in the Gulf of California1Limnology and Oceanography, 1974