Search for Uncharged Faster-than-Light Particles

An experiment has been carried out to search for uncharged particles with spacelike four-momentum which presumably travel faster than light. No evidence for such particles has been found. The results can be expressed as upper limits on the production rates for such particles by stopped K and p¯ compared to production rates of pions in similar reactions: (K+pΛ0+t0)(K+pΛ0+π0)2×103, (K+pΛ0+t0+t¯0)(K+pΛ0+π0)2.5×103, (p¯+pπ++π+t0)(p¯+p3π)2×103, (p¯+pπ++π+t0+t¯0)(p¯+p4π)1×103. Other sources of information placing limits on the interactions of tachyons are discussed.

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