Perturbative unitarity and high-energyWL±,ZL,Hscattering. One-loop corrections and the Higgs-boson coupling

We reexamine the unitarity constraints on the high-energy scattering of longitudinally polarized W's and Z's and Higgs bosons in the standard model including one-loop corrections. Using an Argand diagram analysis, we find that the j=0 scattering amplitudes are approximately unitary and weakly interacting at order λ2 for Higgs-boson couplings λ(s,MH2)2, but that corrections of order λ3 or higher must be included to restore perturbative unitarity for larger values of λ. We show also that two-loop [O(λ3)] corrections cannot extend the range of validity of perturbation theory beyond λ2.2. An analysis of inelastic 2 → 4 scattering in the WL±, ZL, H system gives an independent but weaker limit λ(s,MH2)5. The limit λ(s,MH2)<2 translates to a physical-Higgsboson mass MH400 GeV if the bound is to hold up to energies of a few TeV, or MH160 GeV in perturbatively unified theories with a mass scale of order 1015 GeV. For masses much larger than these bounds, low-order perturbation theory fails and the Higgs sector of the standard model becomes effectively strongly interacting.