Reduction of intake of balsams in patients sensitive to balsam of Peru

64 patients participated in this study 24 were positive who had positive patch teststobalsam or Peru. The dermatitis of 9 of the patients had flared after open oral challenge with balsam of Peru, and the dermatitis of 31 patients had flared after double‐blind oral challenge. All 64 patients were asked to avoid food items suspected of containing balsams for 1 to 2 months. At the end of that time, an evaluation of the diet trial was made; the dermatitis of 37 had cleared or improved markedly. If an improvement taken place, the patient was asked to continue to diet moderately. 6 months in 3 years after the diet was initiated, a questionnaire was mailed to those patients whose dermatitis had improved after the first trial. The patients were asked to evaluate the long‐term benefit of fallowing the diet. 30 felt there was a long‐term effect, and 27 still followed the diet instructions to some degree.