The stratigraphy and structure of the southern Monadhliath Mountains between Loch Killin and upper Glen Roy

Synopsis: Psammitic and semi-pelitic metasediments in the Corrieyairack and Loch Killin areas form part of the Grampian Division and underlie the Dalradian Leven Schist of Glen Roy. Two stratigraphic successions, the Corrieyairack and Glenshirra Successions, have been recognized which share a common structural and metamorphic history, although they are separated by a well-defined zone of high strain, here termed the Gair-beinn Slide. An early foliation (S 1 ) associated with the development of isoclinal F 1 folds and movement on the Gairbeinn Slide, is refolded by tight near-upright, NE-SW trending major F 2 folds, in particular the Corrieyairack Syncline. These structures are refolded by open F 3 folds with variably oriented axial traces.