The magnetization curves and the resonance frequencies are calculated for two types of antiferromagnets with an antisymmetric exchange interaction of the form Dij·Mi×Mj and a uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy term K sin2θ. In one type of these antiferromagnets, the D vector is perpendicular to the easy axis. This is presumably the case in the orthoferrites. For this case, we have calculated the resonance frequency as a function of an external field applied parallel to the easy axis. In the second type of these antiferromagnets the D vector lies parallel to the easy axis. This is the situation in hematite below the Morin temperature. For this case, we have calculated the resonance frequency as a function of an external field applied in the plane perpendicular to the easy axis. In both cases we obtained two resonance modes, and the lower mode was found to have a frequency W=0 for a characteristic critical field, at which the antiferromagnetic axis becomes perpendicular to the easy axis.