Proton emission from drip-line nuclei157Taand161Re

Proton radioactivities from 157Ta and 161Re are reported. Fusion-evaporation residues from the reaction of 270 MeV 58Ni ions on 102Pd and 106Cd targets were separated according to M/Q and implanted into a double-sided silicon strip detector. One line from 157Ta was observed with a proton energy of 927(7) keV [t1/2=10.1(4) ms, bp=3.4(12)%] from the πs1/2 ground state. A new alpha decay transition with energy 6117(4) keV was also observed from this state. Two proton lines from 161Re were observed with energies 1192(6) keV [t1/2=0.37(4) ms, bp=100(7)%] and 1315(7) keV [t1/2=16(1) ms, bp=4.8(6)%] from the πs1/2 and πh11/2 states, respectively.

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