Studies in Myocarditis

Patients (154) with myocarditis of different etiologies were studied for an average of 7. 3 years after the myocarditis. A work test on a bicycle ergometer with recording of serial ecg''s was performed in 103 cases. The ecg at rest was abnormal in 30%, at work it contributed to the diagnosis and disclosed abnormalities in 22 /o. Physical working capacity gave valuable information about the hemodynamic significance of the myocardial damage, which was also elucidated by heart catheterization in some cases. Physical working capacity was low in 24 [degree]/o of the cases, but in most cases there was only a slight decrease. X-ray of the heart was performed in 118 cases and showed enlargement in 8. 5 [degree]/o. The sequelae of the myocarditis were usually clinically insignificant, and incapacity occurred in 13 (8[degree]/o) cases only.