Bs0B¯s0mixing parameters from unquenched lattice QCD

We determine hadronic matrix elements relevant for the mass and width differences, ΔMs and ΔΓs, in the Bs0B¯s0 meson system using fully unquenched lattice QCD. We employ the MILC Collaboration gauge configurations that include u, d, and s sea quarks using the improved staggered quark (AsqTad) action and a highly improved gluon action. We implement the valence s quark also with the AsqTad action and use nonrelativistic QCD for the valence b quark. For the nonperturbative QCD input into the standard model expression for ΔMs we find fBsB^Bs=0.281(21)GeV. Results for four-fermion operator matrix elements entering standard model formulas for ΔΓs are also presented.