Collection and quality of rhesus monkey semen

Electroejaculation is an accepted method of semen collection from nonhuman primates. Although both penile and rectal probe stimulation techniques have been used, there has been a general lack of consistency and detail regarding their application. This report describes the collection, processing, and evaluation of rhesus monkey semen contrasting two methods of penile electrcejaculation: (1) a constant‐voltage method where stimulus current is a variable and (2) a constant‐current method where stimulus current is operator‐controlled. The constant‐current method was the more efficient procedure, requiring a lower stimulus current for successful electroejaculation. The intluence on semen quality of potentially toxic agents used in the procedure, surgical glove powder and electrolyte cream, was tested; both were determental as measured by motility loss. No correlation was found between coagula volume and sperm numbers. The intra‐ and interanimal variability in semen samples from six monkeys was also evaluated. Penile electroejaculation, combined with control of stimulus current, provides a consistent, successful, and humane method for the collection of semen in the rhesus monkey.