The Use of Ion Exchange for the Determination of Radioelements in Large Volumes of Urine

Concn. with recovery of 85% of up to 10-4 mols of radioyttrium from 1 1. of HCl-acidified urine is accomplished by adsorption on 2. 5 cm. diam. column of 70 g. of 60-80 mesh Amberlite IR-1; elution with 500 ml. 7 [image] HC1; concn. by evaporation; dilution with 400 ml. H2O plus 1 ml. concentrated HC1; readsorption on 1.1 cm. diam. column of 4 g. 60-80 mesh Amberlite IR-100H; elution with 100 ml. 7 [image] HC1, and concn. by evaporation to dryness. Adsorption is not affected by urinary concns. of albumin, urea, acids, or NaCl. A flow sheet is presented.

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