Identification of Surface Antigens of Sarcocystis muris (Coccidia)

Zoites of Sarcocystis muris were recovered from the skeletal muscles of infected mice by trypsin digestion. Extracts of zoites prepared by freeze‐thaw, Triton X‐100 (0.1%), or a combination of the two treatments contained antigenic components. Testing of these antigens by agar gel diffusion and immunoelectrophoresis against sera from infected mice showed one major precipitin band.SDS‐polyacrylamide‐gel electrophoresis (SDS‐PAGE) of the extracts revealed at least eight detectable polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 10,000 to 220,000. The antigenic components of the extract were identified by labeling the parasite surface with [125I] and precipitation of the [125I]‐labeled antigens with immune sera. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by SDS‐PAGE and autoradiography revealed three antigens with molecular weights of 27,500, 43,000 and 90,000. The smallest of these was the predominant antigen as suggested by labeling intensity.