Turnover of Proteoglycans by Chick Lens Epithelial Cells in Cell Culture and Intact Lens

Chick lens epithelial cells were cultured on plastic and type IV collagen substrata, and the confluent cultures were labeled continuously with [35S]sulfate for 20 h. Intact lenses were also labeled in the same way. 35S-Proteoglycans isolated from those cultures were compared for their molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions. The results have shown that: 1) Proteoglycans synthesized by cells on type IV collagen were significantly smaller than those by cells on plastic. 2) Proteoglycans of intact lens showed a broad distribution of molecular size and contained a high proportion of chondroitin sulfate in the medium fraction compared to those of the two cell cultures. In order to explain such differences between proteoglycans from cultures, label-chase experiments with [36S)sulfate were done for proteoglycans synthesized. “S-Proteoglycans isolated at each chase time (0, 2.5, and 17 h) were compared and the following results were found: 1) The cell layers of both ”plastic“ and ”type IV collagen“ cultures contained glycosaminoglycan species predominantly at each chase time rather than proteoglycans. 2) Changes in the glycosaminoglycan compositions of medium fractions of cell cultures were observed during the chase period; in medium of the ”plastic“ culture, proteoheparan sulfate increased with chase time, whereas in medium of the ”type IV collagen“ culture, chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (not proteoglycan) increased with chase time. 3) In intact lens culture, lens capsule fraction at every chase time contained a proteoglycan unique in molecular size, which was not found in cell culture fractions. 4) All fractions from intact lens cultures contained a higher content of chondroitin sulfate at every chase time than the respective fractions from cell cultures. These results suggest that adhesion of the cells to type IV collagen or lens capsule influences the degradation and secretion of proteoglycans. In addition, they can account partially for the above-described differences in molecular sizes and glycosaminoglycan compositions between ”S-proteoglycans from various cultures continuously labeled with [35S]sulfate.