Coastal uplift on active normal faults: The Eliki Fault, Greece

The Eliki Fault forms part of a system of major normal fault segments that borders the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth half graben. Radiocarbon dating of elevated marine fossils reveals broadly uniform Holocene coastal uplift, at a time‐averaged rate of 1.5 mm/yr, both along the Eliki Fault and in the transfer zone that separates it from the neighbouring fault segment. Coseismic uplift increments are considered to account for only a minor part of the 6 m of emergence recorded here in the last 3000 years. Reappraisal of shoreline data from the Perachora Peninsula at the eastern end of the Gulf of Corinth indicates a similar, though less rapid (0.7 mm/yr), pattern of uniform Holocene emergence. As these Holocene coastal records embody both coseismic and interseismic deformation they can be used to characterise long‐term tectonic strain.