RKRV curves, r-centroids and Franck Condon factors for certain bands of AsO and AsO+molecules

The true potential energy curves for x2 Pi r, A2 Sigma +, B2 Sigma +, D2 Sigma - states of AsO and x 1 Sigma + and A 1 Pi states of AsO+ have been constructed by a modified form of Rees method. The results are in excellent agreement with those calculated by the RKRV and Jarmain methods. This modified form of the Rees method which is found to give identical results in the case of several other molecules, involves relatively simple calculations and can be adopted in the absence of computational aids. The r-centroids have been evaluated for all these systems. The Franck Condon factors have been evaluated for the A-X, B-X systems of AsO and the A-X system of AsO+.

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