The localization of GABA‐like immunoreactivity in the locus ceruleus of rats was studied by the peroxidase‐antiperoxidase (PAP) method using a purified antibody raised against GABA applied to paraffin sections, with counterstaining by cresylecht violet, and to floating sections for preembedding immunoelectron microscopy. A few medium‐sized and some small neurons showed GABA‐like immunoreactivity in both nuclei and perikarya. The preferential localization of these immunopositive neurons in the marginal parts of the locus ceruleus suggests that they are inhibitory local circuit neurons located between this center and the afferent fiber systems. Some of the immunoreactive neurons displayed homogeneous and heterogeneous ( paired cells) patterns. Occurrence of the GABA‐GABA interaction is indicated. Immunopositive bouton forms are located close to every positive and negative neuron. Electron microscopy confirms GABA‐like immunoreactivity in both medium‐sized and small neurons of the locus ceruleus and demonstrates that immunoreactive boutons are axosomatic and axosoma spine symmetric synapses on immunopositive and immunonegative cell bodies. These immunocytochemical results support the existence of inhibitory interneurons in the locus ceruleus.

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