The left-unitary operators that introduce the correlations of the hard core in an uncorrelated bound-state wave function of a finite number A of particles are explicitly determined up to a unitary transformation. Left unitarity is required in order to keep orthonormality. Using a shell-model basis, transformed according to the correlation operator, it is possible to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in a subspace of the full Hilbert space with the technique of Bloch and Horowitz. Ground as well as excited states are treated on the same footing. In practice, the diagonalization is accomplished using the original single-particle basis and transforming back the Hamiltonian. This results in an A-body operator for which a cluster expansion is possible. In this cluster expansion, there are three- and four-body terms easy to evaluate, because they factorize. A particularly interesting application can be made to few-body systems, evaluating the integrals numerically. The unique approximation is then connected with the cut of the basis. The method developed seems comparatively simple and is free of the mathematical problems of the hard core.