Collections of Polyzoa were made in the Bergen area of Norway during 1959 – l960. A checklist of names is provided for species already well known from this region. The new nontis Turbicelleporais proposed for Schisvioporaauctt. non MacGillivray, type-species T. caronopiis (Wood). The generic name MucronellaHixcks is shown in a full review to be a synonym of EscharellaGray, the latter having priority. Likewise, M. peacltii (Johnston) is a synonym of E. immersa (Fleming). On the basis of their type-species, the existing diagnoses of PhylactellaHincks and PhylactelliporaBassler must be reversed. Phylnclelli-pora liincksiBassler is a synonym of Phylactella labrosa (Busk). Three new species, Dnryporella reticidata, Noloplites harmeriand Alcyonidium candidimi, are described and illustrated, as is one new variety, Hemicyclo pora polita (Norman) var. mucronata. Fully illustrated accounts are also given of Scrupocellaria elongatu (Smitt) var. congesta (Norman), Escharella octodentata (IIincks), Hemicyclopora polita (Norman), Lageni-pora pygmaea (Norman) and Turbicellepora smitti (Kluce). Notes or supplementary accounts are given for a number of other species (see Contents). Keys to species are given under Scrupocellaria (for the whole of Europe), Notoplites, Escliarellaand Hemicyclopura. Scrntpocellaria “inermis”of Watess from the Mediterranean is not the same species as S. inermisNorman from the North Atlantic. Mcnipea arcticaBusk is the form called Tricellaria grailisvar. inermis by Kluge; it is not the same as Scrupoccllaria elongata (Smitt). Embryo colours were recorded with reference to a standard chart, and full details are given for 42 species. The biotopes studied within the survey area are briefly described, and the bathymetrie distribution of the Polyzoa outlined. A discussion of zoogeographiesl relationships is given with particular reference to the northern and southern limits of warm water and arctic species respectively. The information obtained on breeding seasons is summarized.