SUMMARY Allowances of about 1·4M, 1·8M, 2·2M, 2·6M, 3·OM, and 3·4M (M = feed required for maintenance) were compared for pigs growing over the live-weight ranges 20·40, 40·60, 60·80, and 80·100 kg, with feed conversion efficiency (FCE) as the main response criterion. Response to increased digestible energy (DE) allowance was curvilinear; FCE improved rapidly up to 2·2M-2·6M, and changed much less with intakes above 2·6M. It is concluded that optimum FCE occurs at about 2·7M for pigs of 30 kg and at about 3·OM for pigs of 50, 70 and 90 kg. Allowances of dietary DE suggested by the Agricultural Research Council correspond to 2·56M, 2·95M, 3·04M and 3·08M for pigs of 30, 50, 70 and 90 kg live weight, respectively. It appears that these are near to the optima in promoting the best FCE. Changes of −25%, −15%, −5%, +5% and +15% in daily intake around the optimum levels caused FCE to deteriorate by averages of about 13%, 4·5%, <1%, <1% and 4·5% respectively. Daily weight gains would then change by about −34%, −18%, −5%, +4% and +10%, respectively.