Effect of Localized Anoxia onPhaseolus vulgarisL. Root Growth

Heterogeneity within the root environment results in differential growth within root systems. The response of five Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars to non-uniform root aeration was evaluated. Three treatments were applied to a split root system for a period of 72 h. Treatments consisted of an aerated control, a non-aerated control (both halves non-aerated, using N2). and localized anoxia (one-half the root system aerated and the remaining half subjected to N2). Shoot and root growth were reduced in the anoxic control but not in the aerated control or localized anoxia treatment. Root growth was greatest in the aerated portion of the localized anoxia treatment for all genotypes. Contributions of the root components to the compensatory responses differed depending on the plant cultivar examined. The growth of branched and lateral roots present before the treatment period increased by 65% in line 31908. A 50% increase in the growth of lateral roots which emerged during the treatment period occurred in another line (Swan Valley). Other genotypes responded in an intermediate manner. These observations indicate differences in cultivar responses to localized soil stress.