Summary Prototype strains for human adenovirus types 1 to 18 have been inoculated into primary Rhesus (Macacca mulatta) and African Green (Cercopithecus aethiops) monkey kidney cultures and give rise to two distinct types and a less obvious type of CPE. Rhesus kidney cultures give better resolution than do African Green. Types 1 to 18 are placed into 3 groups on the basis of the kind of CPE elicited and with a single exception these groups are identical to those suggested by Rosen(6) based on hemagglutination. Fourteen strains from type 12 were tested and all gave identical CPE, indicating that differences are probably type rather than strain oriented. Viruses from 2 different groups can be mixed with specific antiserum for one of the pair and the antiserum will selectively inhibit the CPE of only the homologous virus.