The present study analyses one of the largest IDP series published as yet: 266 cases, hospitalised between 1950 and 1983, conventionally treated and uniformly supervised. There was GBS in 84%, chronic IDP in 13%, polyneuritis cranialis in 1.5%, Miller Fisher and predominantly sensory neuropathy in 0.8% each. Numerous features including preceding events, course and outcome have been investigated. Latencies between onset and maximal deficit lacked (expected) bimodality. Sensory involvement was severe, mortality (18%) and maximal disability (20% requiring ventilation) high, autonomic dysfunction (71%) prominent. Statistical comparison of various features confirmed old age, rapid onset and need for ventilation as unfavorable predicting factors. However, preceding infection, bulbar paralysis and onset of paresis in proximal muscles evolved as unfavorable prognostic features as well.