Biaxial magnetoelasticity in steels

The effects of stress coaxial, transverse, and biaxial relative to applied field on magnetization, susceptibility, and domain wall configurations are derived and confirmed using rod, hollow cylinder, and hollow toroid steel samples. The effective stress σ=σ∥−σ⊥ is linearly proportional to pressure on 90° domain walls below residual stress and to changes in reluctance above residual stress. The equivalent field, Hσ=6.0(5) A/m, per MPa of stress was measured in excellent agreement with 6.2(4) A/m calculated from material parameters. The quantity dχ−1/dσ=9.0(6)×10−6/MPa was measured in good agreement with 8.3(5) calculated. A lower limit of reluctance due to inhomogeneities was observed. Magnetization increases with tension and compression allow measurement of ±90° domain wall fractions, f±=0.30±M/Ms, below the coercive field. Net magnetization changes from both walls generate magnetization hysteresis loops with stress cycling.