Harmonic functions and ends of graphs

In this note we discuss extensions of results [5], where transient random walks are considered, whose transition matrix is compatible with a tree-structure of the underlying discrete state space. Notation is generally as in [5], with the exception that instead of a tree T we consider an arbitrary graph Γ, which is locally finite, connected, and whose vertex set S is infinite. The edge set E is unoriented, there are no multiple edges. We consider a transition operator P, given by a stochastic matrix (p(u, v))u, vS, which gives rise to a transient Markov chain (“random walk”), related to the graph structure by:(i) if p(u, v)>0 then [u, v] ∈ E,(ii) there is an M>0 such that p(k)(u, v)>0 for some k=k(u, v)≦M whenever [u, v]∈E (“uniform irreducibility”).

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