Optical absorption and photoluminescence in pristine and photopolymerizedC60solid films

The optical absorption (OA) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of pristine, oxygen-free C60 films in the vicinity of the absorption edge across the highest-occupied-molecular-orbital to lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital (HOMO-LUMO) gap are studied to elucidate the nature of these electronic states. Structures observed in both the OA and PL spectra are identified with Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling of the respective singlet electronic states to intramolecular vibrational modes. Similarities and differences among the PL and OA spectra of C60 in solution, solid films, and single crystals are discussed. The larger linewidth of the C60 film spectra is attributed to the presence of defects, presumably associated with numerous grain boundaries. Finally, the OA and PL spectra of photopolymerized C60 solid films are presented. The features in both the OA and PL spectra are observed to broaden considerably. In addition, two of the OA bands blueshift slightly (400–800 cm1) and the PL features downshift by ∼330 cm1 upon polymerization. These results are consistent with the intermolecular oligomerization bond disorder and reduced symmetry of the C60 shell imposed by the covalent bonds between C60 molecules in the polymeric phase.