The Characteristics of an Ultra-High Resolution Ge(Li) Spectrometer for Singles and Coincidence X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Studies

The use of an ultra-high resolution Ge(Li) photon spectrometer in low and high energy X-ray and gamma-ray measurements has been evaluated. Studies were made of the resolution, low energy cutoff, the full energy and K X-ray escape efficiencies, tha effective detector dead layer and the detector linearity. The detector was used simultaneously with a high resolution Si(Li) detector to measure fast coincidences between Ka1 , Ka2 and L X-rays, as well as coincidences between K, L conversion electrons and L X-rays. A detailed discussion is presented of the electronic problems associated with making these kind of measurements. Measurements were also made of X-ray beams produced by clinical X-ray machines at 40, 78 and 220 kV.