Completely Dispersed Suspensions of Vaccinia Virus Particles.

Summary Analysis by means of the electron microscope of vaccinia virus released from infected L cells and dispersed by sonic waves has shown the percentage of single particles to be a linear function of the log concentration in the region 1.5 × 109 to 1.5 × 107 VP/ml. The extrapolated concentration at which the sonic waves should produce complete dispersion (all single particles) is 6.3 × 106 VP/ml. Actual measurements made at 6.0 × 106 VP/ml showed that it had indeed been achieved. Reaggregation at this concentration was barely perceptible but at the higher concentrations it was quite . rapid. Completely dispersed virus is essential in experiments on multiplicity dependent phenomena such as interference and multiplicity reactivation. The authors wish to acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of William Fyfe who made the electron micrographs.