Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Extrastriate Cortex Response to a Categorically Ambiguous Stimulus Primed by Letters and Familiar Geometric Figures

Functional neuroimaging studies have suggested a specific role of the extrastriate cortex in letter string and visual word form processing. However, this region has been shown to be involved in object recognition and its specificity for the processing of linguistic stimuli may be questioned. The authors used an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging design with category priming to record the response elicited by the passive viewing of single letters, geometric figures, and of the categorically ambiguous stimulus “O” that pertains to both sets of familiar symbols. Bilateral activations in the extrastriate cortex were found, with a left predominance particularly pronounced for the ambiguous stimulus. Individual analysis of spatial extent and signal intensity showed a priming × stimulus × hemisphere interaction. When primed by the congruous categoric set, a bilateral decrease in activation was observed for letters and geometric figures. The ambiguous stimulus behaved as a letter for the left hemisphere, with decreased activation when primed by letters, whereas in the right hemisphere, an adaptation effect occurred when primed by geometric figures. These priming effects suggest that, for the ambiguous stimulus, letter processing was systematically involved in the left extrastriate cortex. The current results support the existence of a neural substrate for the abstract category of letters.