Measurements of the first order anisotropy constant (K1) . utilizing the torque method, are reported for various degrees of long range order (LRO) in lithium ferrite. The LRO parameters were determined by x-ray diffraction analysis. It is found that the degree of cation “order” in the octahedral sites strongly influences K1 . For example, measurements at 77°K yield the values −127×103ergs/cm3 and −162×103ergs/cm3 for K1 in the “ordered” and “disordered” states, respectively. The experimental results were interpreted on the basis of the ferric ion spin Hamiltonian. Certain parameters (aB′ for octahedral sites and aA′ for tetrahedral sites) which include the contributions of the cubic term and the quartic axial term to cubic anisotropy were deduced from measurements of the temperature dependences of K1 and saturation magnetization. It is found that in “disordered” lithium ferrite, aB′ = +0.0242 cm−1 and aA′ = −0.0118 cm−1 in excellent agreement with the corresponding parameters determined by Folen and Rado in magnesium ferrite which is also a “disordered” ferrite. In the “ordered” lithium ferrite, it is found that aB′ = +0.0104 cm−1 and aA′ = +0.0034 cm−1 . The experimental temperature dependences of K1 in both the “ordered” and “disordered” states are in quantitative agreement with that obtained from the Yosida-Tachiki theory. The changes in the magnitudes and signs of the observed a′ -values resulting from the “order-disorder” transition are consistent with alterations of the quartic axial term.