Maximal electrical stimulation of patients with frequency, urgency and urge incontinence: Report of 38 cases

Thirty-eight consecutive female patients with frequency, urgency or urge incontinence were treated with maximal electrical pelvic floor stimulation. Diagnostic cystometry was performed in 34 cases. Detrusor instability was found in 13 patients, sensory urgency in 13 and hyperreflexia in eight cases. The effect of the treatment was evaluated by subjective assessment and micturition charts filled in for 48 hours. 63% were cured or improved. The success rate was the same among elderly and younger patients. Detrusor instability and hyperreflexia improved in about 75% of the cases. A good correlation was found between the subjective assessment and the micturition chart recordings. Maximal electrical stimulation has a good effect on certain types of lower urinary tract dysfunction with few side-effects. It is well tolerated even by elderly patients.