Simultaneous fixation with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide, followed by an uranyl acetate (UA) treatment before dehydration and embedding (Hirsch and Fedorko 1968) ensures a very good preservation of lamellar bodies (LB's) as well as of the cellular membranes in type II pneumocyte. The uranyl acetate treatment appeared to be the most efficient step of the procedure. The morphological aspect of lamellar bodies after such a preparation was similar to that observed after freeze-etching of lipid retaining methods. Moreover, the Hirsch-Fedorko procedure is very simple and can easily be used for routine ultrastructural and radioautographic studies. On the other hand, it appeared that the uranyl acetate phospholipid "complex" is very sensitive to the pH of chemical solutions used after sectioning. The "complex" is variously dissolved by alkaline solutions, photographic developers or stains. The best preservation of ultrastructure was obtained with neutral or acidic developers and acidic stains.