Amino Acid Sequence of N‐Terminal Peptide of Normal Human Serum Albumin

From the peptic digest of normal human serum albumin., the N‐terminal peptide comprising 24 amino acid residues was obtained by means of peptide mapping. Combined uses of trypsin, α‐chymotrypsin, thermolysin, carboxypeptidase A and Dansyl‐Edman technique resulted in the elucidation of amino acid sequence of no. 1 to no. 24 as follows:NH2‐Asp‐Ala‐His‐Lys‐Ser‐Glu‐Val‐Ala‐His‐Arg‐Phe‐Lys‐Asp‐Leu‐GIy‐Glu‐Glu‐Asn‐Phe‐Lys‐Ala‐Leu‐Val‐Leu‐COOH These sequence results agree completely with those recently published by other workers.