We propose a statistical method to calculate the dynamical correlation function (G(q↘,t) =〈S↘v↘(t) ⋅S↘−q↘(0) 〉 for the Heisenberg model above the ordering temperature. The function may be expanded into a power series of the time and the coefficients are expressed in terms of static multi‐spin correlation functions. In the limit λ≳q−1≳r, where λ is the spin correlation length and r is the range of interaction, the dominant contributions to the coefficients come from spins within correlated clusters. Therefore, we treat the dynamics of such a cluster by the spin‐wave theory for an infinite crystal, then weigh the contribution of each cluster to G(q↘,t) according to its probability. The result is that the excitations in the range qλ≳1 are magnon‐like modes broadened by a mean‐free‐path measured by λ. In addition, there is a central peak at zero frequency, which is the diffused remnant of the magnetic Bragg peak. The theory compares favorably with the neutorn scattering data on TMMC and nickel.